The One Codex Blog

Public links and a better datasets view

This week, we’re excited to announce a few improvements to help you to better organize and share your data on the One Codex beta platform.

First, you can now make individual samples public, at which point you can share an analysis with anyone (and, of course, you’re always able to make the sample private again too). Here’s a sample public analysis.

Second, we’ve added the ability to both sort and filter your samples in the main datasets view. This is particularly useful for some of our users who are beginning to accumulate large numbers of samples.

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CDC "No-Petri-Dish" Challenge

We’re excited to announce that the CDC’s Advanced Molecular Detection initiative has named One Codex as the winner of its $200K “No-Petri-Dish” Challenge! We are thrilled to be recognized by a world-leading public health agency and excited to begin offering solutions for next-generation public health and epidemiology.

The “No-Petri-Dish” Diagnostic Test Challenge asked participants to develop a fast “straight-to-strain” method for identifying a type of E. coli known as STEC (a common cause of severe foodborne outbreaks). Current tests available to public health officials fall into two major categories: “culture-based” tests, which require growing a bacterial culture and can take days or weeks to complete; and faster, but significantly less informative tests for specific pathogens or toxins (e.g., PCR-based tests).

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